
Face as it goes well carved out of the ordinary

Face as it goes well carved out of the ordinary, dull white, big eyes, a bright light shining, very Alice Joan nose and slightly open Na Liangpian Xiangchun, are particularly attractive.

Are you? Ye Xiwen see one on the Wu Yi-fan inside the room, there's even a temporary absence. Do not think it seems like ordinary, generally also the man hanged Kenjiro changed one line of the first, we did so much charm.

Hands in his trouser pocket Wu Yi-fan inside, looked up a little, revealing a lazy smile: You, if you look down, I'm afraid we'll be late! Do not think the clothes you wear, it looks as Saobao Naiyouxiaosheng practice stronger, it seems that the task I ask you, have a bit to grasp!

